Writer At The Ranch: On Having a Nice Rest of the Day 3 Feb 2011 ... I can also put up with “Have a nice day!” Sounds just lovely when compared to “ Have a nice rest of the day!” Or just forget about the day ...
Make Sure you all have a good rest of the day!!!? | Yahoo Answers 29 Nov 2007 ... It's always good to be entertained! Glad you had a good day. Don't remind me of the holidays yet or you're going to ruin my good day ;) Have a ...
Have a great rest of your day! - Armed Polite Society 15 Apr 2009 ... Have a great rest of your day! (1/6) > >>. fistful: Don't you hate that? My apologies to anyone who says that on a regular basis, but you really ...
Print Page - Have a great rest of your day! - Armed Polite Society 15 Apr 2009 ... Don't you hate that? My apologies to anyone who says that on a regular basis, but you really should stop. It sounds dumb. =( Just go with "Have ...
The Brains of the Animal Kingdom - WSJ - The Wall Street Journal - Breaking News, Business, Financia Aristotle's idea of the scala naturae, the ladder of nature, put all life-forms in rank order, from low to high, with humans closest to the angels. During the Enlightenment, the French philosopher René Descartes, a founder of modern science, declared that
Dickie Bird at 80: 'cricketers used to have a laugh back in my day. Not any more' - Telegraph Dickie Bird at 80: 'cricketers used to have a laugh back in my day. Not any more' Dickie Bird turns 80 tomorrow. And cricket's favourite umpire remains as ... Some of the best stories about Harold “Dickie” Bird involve his pathological fear of lateness. T
Hit the Reset Button in Your Brain - NYTimes.com THIS month, many Americans will take time off from work to go on vacation, catch up on household projects and simply be with family and friends. And many of us will feel guilty for doing so. We will worry about all of the emails piling up at work, and in
Chad Vader : Day Shift Manager - A Galaxy Not So Far Away : S1 Ep1 - YouTube CHAD VADER SEASON 3 DVD IS OUT! Take a look: http://www.blamesociety.net/dvd.php Chad's on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chad-Va... --Life is hard when you're Darth Vader's less-talented, less-charismatic younger brother and you manage a grocery
Have You Considered a 'Sleep Divorce'? | Dr. Michael J. Breus I read this news story with great interest, as it covers a topic I get asked about a lot: whether it's a good idea for couples to sleep apart to improve their individual sleep. This is an issue that seems to come up with increasing frequency as more coupl
have a great rest of your day | Tumblr The bad thing about running: You can't rush it. You want your endurance to increase, your times to decrease and you are willing to work your tail off to get those ...